Welcome to PyGeoHash’s Documentation!

PyGeoHash is a simple, lightweight, and dependency-free Python library for working with geohashes.

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Key Features

  • Zero Dependencies: Works with just the Python standard library

  • Simple API: Clean, intuitive functions that are easy to understand

  • Lightweight: Minimal overhead for your projects

  • Python 3 Support: Fully compatible with modern Python

  • Robust Implementation: Reliable geohash operations

  • Visualization: Optional visualization capabilities with Matplotlib and Folium

Quick Start


pip install pygeohash

Basic usage:

import pygeohash as pgh

# Encode coordinates to geohash
geohash = pgh.encode(latitude=42.6, longitude=-5.6)
print(geohash)  # 'ezs42e44yx96'

# Decode geohash to coordinates
lat, lng = pgh.decode(geohash='ezs42')
print(lat, lng)  # '42.6', '-5.6'


# Install with visualization support
pip install pygeohash[viz]
import pygeohash as pgh
from pygeohash.viz import plot_geohash
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Plot a geohash
fig, ax = plot_geohash("9q8yyk", color="red", show_label=True)
Geohash visualization example


Indices and tables